Tolerance in a Multicultural Community: a Guide to Developing and Sustaining Dialogue


Tolerance has been recognized today as crucial characteristic in pluralist, multicultural communities which are seeking to be free of oppression, violence and discrimination. The lack of tolerance is almost always the starting point for armed conflicts. In this context, in times of glocalization the importance of tolerance becomes ever more imperative. Tolerance is considered to be a solution to address injustice, unfairness, inequality and prejudice. Tolerance is essential for democracy and civilized life and its absence brings crimes and terrorism to society. The multi-national community of Bukovyna and Chernivtsi itself remains rather topical in terms of our study and serves as a thriving model of a community with ‘marble cake’ identity, well grounded in a culture of tolerance, benevolence and mutual respect.

Authors and Affiliations

Valentyna Bohatyrets


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How To Cite

Valentyna Bohatyrets (2016). Tolerance in a Multicultural Community: a Guide to Developing and Sustaining Dialogue. Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія, 1(), 102-106.