Topos as a concept of social topology

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 3


The article is devoted to the analysis and definition of topos as a philosophical concept. In ancient logic and rhetoric, topos was articulated as a metaphor for the characterization of «places», where the researcher could find arguments in accordance with the topic. It is shown that the formation of an opinion on a particular problem occurs with the participation of topos, which organize the mental space, are confirmed by social practice and are included in the construction of the social world. Topos is an element of the mental scheme, which is organized in the logic of spatial perception of the world. The topological strategy for the study of social phenomena takes into account not only the characteristics of the objects of analysis themselves, but also the contexts and the social and cultural environment, in which they inscribed. The concept of «topos» becomes conventional in social topology and depends on changing conditions, that are formed and accepted by existing social actors. Topos is considered as a boundary, frame of the object of analysis. Boundaries are not self-sufficient, but are defined through relation to another space, as a transition from one space to another

Authors and Affiliations

Maryna Kolinko


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How To Cite

Maryna Kolinko (2018). Topos as a concept of social topology. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(3), 32-44.