Transformation of the level of life of disabled persons in the context of social and economic development of the country

Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2017, Vol 27, Issue 3


Introduction. Ensuring a high standard of living for persons with disabilities is one of the important issues of the formation of an effective model of social and economic policy of the country. Considering the current state of the Ukrainian economy, which is characterized by instability, high inflation, reduction of real incomes of citizens, especially the disabled ones, the raise of the standards of living, material well-being and the implementation of the protection of the most socially vulnerable sectors of society require special attention. The purpose of the article is to analyse the current state of living standards of persons with disabilities in Ukraine and to determine the main directions for improving its quality. Methodology. The general scientific and special methods have been used to solve the tasks of the research. They are the method of analysis and synthesis, method of generalization, method of comparative and graphical analysis. Results The tendencies in changing the number of persons with disabilities and their dynamics for 2007-2016 have been analysed. The ratio of growth rates of the average size of pensions for people with disability and average monthly wages is considered. A comparative analysis of the purchasing power of persons with disability who receive pension for some items of food for the last three years has been carried out. On the basis of the research, the problems, which reduce the standard of living of persons with disabilities, have been outlined. The directions of its increase the standard of living have been determined.

Authors and Affiliations

Nataliia Safonik


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How To Cite

Nataliia Safonik (2017). Transformation of the level of life of disabled persons in the context of social and economic development of the country. Економічний аналіз, 27(3), 93-99.