How to define an identity? As a product of individual or result of social and cultural influences through the ages? One, main and only answer could not exist. Ones identity in post-modern reality will be elusive. From ti...
The figure of a man‑machine(a cyborg, an android)is a metaphor of social attitudes representedin art relatively frequently. In the paperthe problem of the presence of man‑machinein popular culture is analysed on the basi...
Abstrakty do numeru: Kultura Popularna nr 1 (51) / 2017, Between History and Popular Culture
O pewnym wymiarze folkloru e-religijnego. Sieć objawień.
Technologie self, czyli „programowanie” dryfujących tożsamości
How to define an identity? As a product of individual or result of social and cultural influences through the ages? One, main and only answer could not exist. Ones identity in post-modern reality will be elusive. From ti...
„Jestem zwykłym ludzkim automatem”. Figura człowieka-maszyny w tekstach polskich zespołów pierwszej połowy lat 80.
The figure of a man‑machine(a cyborg, an android)is a metaphor of social attitudes representedin art relatively frequently. In the paperthe problem of the presence of man‑machinein popular culture is analysed on the basi...
Internetowy talk show. Popularność nazwy czy gatunku?