Łukasz Iwasiński
The aim of this article is to show evolution of punk subculture in the context of a city. The author presents his ethnographical research on punk subculture. Punk is depicted as a two-figure movement. First figure works...
Łukasz Iwasiński (2015). Turystyka jako rynek doświadczeń. Kultura Popularna, 2(44), 10-20. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-80329
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Machinima jako przejaw kina niezależnego w Sieci
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Technology and popular culture / Technologia i popkultura - cały numer
Od subkultury do kultury DIY. Miejskie ewolucje kultury punk
The aim of this article is to show evolution of punk subculture in the context of a city. The author presents his ethnographical research on punk subculture. Punk is depicted as a two-figure movement. First figure works...