
У статті проаналізовано творчий доробок українського дитячого письменника Володимира Рутківського, становлення його як автора творів для дитячої читацької аудиторії. Визначено основні тематичні напрямки його творів, особливості характеротворення, передумови написання. Намічені орієнтири розвитку української літератури для дітей. The article analyzes the creative heritage of Ukrainian children's writer Vladimir Rutkovskiy, his development as the author of works for young readers. It identifies the key thematic areas of his works, the peculiarities of creating characters, the premise of writing. The article highlights the targets of development of Ukrainian literature for children. Literature has always been a reflection of its time, of a certain era. And children's literature is not an exception, after the theme of which you can identify the needs of time, the limits, the prohibitions, which became an obstacle for Ukrainian artists. As a result of out-of-literature ideological orientation and political circumstances the history of the Ukrainian people was not studied by Soviet scientists, there were very few reference of the Cossacks, their activity was covered superficially, somewhat distorted to the demands of time, not to mention the literary texts that were simply not allowed to usage in the literary circulation. Due to this fact the Ukrainian literature for children qualitatively suffered. Only when Ukraine became independent the very inner nature of Ukrainian literature (particularly historical) has changed, its gradual transition to another artistic space has taken place. The writers believe that there exists a national mythological model, according to which the Ukrainian Cossack is a brave, pure, highly spiritual person who manages his emotions, intellect and will, both spiritually and physically prepares himself for the defense of his native land, his family and all Ukrainian people. The problems of development of Ukrainian literature for children and in this context the historic theme were of most interest for Vladimir Rutkovskiy. One of the conditions of such interest was the participation in the work of the school circle, which dealt with archaeology and has discovered many important facts about the ancient settlements on the place of writer’s native village. Having read Vladimir Rutkovskiy’s works children are encouraged to creative accurate study of the Ukrainian history and artistic creativity. Recognition to the writer came late, but in his old years V. Rutkovskiy was able to increase his readership significantly, working actively over historical works. Confirmation of this writer's recognition has become: the award of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine named after Lesya Ukrainka for literary works for children and youth, namely the story-legend «Storozhova zastava» (2002); the recognition of the novel «Siny Vody» as the best work of 2011 in Ukraine by results of competition held by the British Corporation «BBC»; the National prize of Ukraine named after Taras Shevchenko for the historical trilogy «Dzhury» (2012).

Authors and Affiliations

Lidia Romanenko


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How To Cite

Lidia Romanenko (2016). ТВОРЧІСТЬ ВОЛОДИМИРА РУТКІВСЬКОГО У СУЧАСНОМУ УКРАЇНСЬКОМУ ЛІТЕРАТУРНОМУ ПРОЦЕСІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 9(15), 32-39. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-429501