Two aspects of identity as determinants of human moral development
Journal Title: Horyzonty Psychologii - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue 1
The first part of article suggests that it should move away from the concept of Spencer, be- cause it doesn’t precise the beginning and the end of development. Then proposes a different definition based on the distinction in a man of two identities: congenital and acquired. At the beginning of the development there must be a genetically written project that is an active in- formation. Then development can be described as becoming what one already is. And the end of the development one can describe as fulfill- ment of this project and acting according of it. As regards moral development it can be said that one is fully developed when he/she fulfills his/her duties and feels free. These conside- rations allow to describe the relationship bet- ween identity and moral behavior. Identity is regarded as inborn and acquired. The latter is acquired from environment, but an individual can freely choose between important persons and form one’s own identity. Moral identity is a source of moral behavior and consists of two aspects: an innate capability of good actions and an acquired concept of what is good. Mo- ral identity emerges from environment. If this environment is helpful, then moral identity is positive too: a man regards himself as good and acts according to this conviction.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Niemirowski
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