Two Moominvalleys? About the Different Creations of the Moomin World in Selected Comic Strips and Magazines on the Polish Publishing Market

Journal Title: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce - Year 2017, Vol 12, Issue 4


The presented considerations refer directly to two different, and not necessarily consistent, creations of Moominvalley, presented in the Moomins magazine and in comic albums, in the form of a collection of illustration strips by Tove Jansson which were published regularly in the Evening News. This article is an attempt at analysing and comparing the Moomin worlds presented in selected Polish magazines and comic books. To systematize these considerations and carry out an efficient and clear analysis of particular interpretative layers and planes, this text is divided into sections, devoted among others to the theoretical sphere, being a collection of information on the Moomin comic strips in Polish magazines and albums, and the methodological sphere, comprising a description of the way of structuring the ponderations and analysing the study material. They are crowned with conclusions which attempt to define and identify the age of the prospective readers of the analysed illustration sequences and promise to start interpretative endeavours related to the remarkable comic strips by the Finnish writer and illustrator, also known as the Moomin Mum.

Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Tomas


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  • EP ID EP254907
  • DOI 10.14632/eetp.2017.12.46.55
  • Views 44
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How To Cite

Iwona Tomas (2017). Two Moominvalleys? About the Different Creations of the Moomin World in Selected Comic Strips and Magazines on the Polish Publishing Market. Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce, 12(4), 55-69.