Twórczość fortepianowa łódzkich kompozytorów II połowy XX wieku, cz. III
Journal Title: Notes Muzyczny - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 6
The article is the third and last part of a cycle of articles in which their author describes piano pieces by Łódź’s composers of the second half of the 20th century from the angle of piano technique means they use; at the same time the author examines whether their works include new technical solutions. He clearly selects the composers who worked in Łódź in that time and chooses only the ones who spent most of their lives in that city, writing and presenting their music. He also narrows the circle of pieces, focusing only on the compositions written before the year 2000. This way, the author determines the area of his studies, which he limited to 10 works. From among piano works by a given composer he only describes the pieces whose scores are generally available or possible to acquire. In the third part of his article, Marcin Werner describes three composers: Bronisław Kazimierz Przybylski, Jolanta Stępień and Sławomir Kaczorowski. As a result of his studies, the author shows that the search for piano technique means can be observed in works by all these composers, but in the creative output by Bronisław Kazimierz Przybylski and Jolanta Stępień, a tendency to write compositions for teaching purposes can be observed as well. The author also sums up the whole cycle of articles by concluding that solo piano was within the area of interest of Łódź’s composers of the second half of the 20th century but it was not a central point in their creative work as it was only an addition to their artistic undertakings focused on other performance line-ups.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Marcin Werner
„Veni Creator” op. 103 i „Sonate de Requiem” op. 283 na wiolonczelę i fortepian Oliviera Greifa, czyli „homo musicus” w poszukiwaniu formy totalnej
Artykuł powstał w oparciu o zagadnienia interpretacyjne napotkane przez autorkę podczas przygotowywania polskiego prawykonania Veni Creator i drugiej premiery Sonate de Requiem (pierwsza miała miejsce w Warszawie w 1993)...
Georg Philipp Telemann, „Pasja według św. Łukasza”, 12–17 marca 2017 r.
Georg Philipp Telemann, „Pasja według św. Łukasza”, 12–17 marca 2017 r.<br/><br/>
Laboratorium V
Laboratorium V<br/><br/>
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