Typical traces of crime – an important element of the criminalistic characteristic of murders in order to take over the housing

Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 36


The article examines the typical traces that occur when a murder is committed in order to take over the housing of citizens. The author draws attention to the relevance of this study. It is emphasized that the mechanism for the commission of murders involving the acquisition of housing includes: 1) the actions of the directly victim on the alienation of housing and the provocation to commit the murder; 2) the actions of the person of the offender, directly related to the deprivation of human life and the alienation of housing; 3) actions that are accompanied by violations by officials of housing and maintenance organizations, notarial and real estate offices, local governments and law enforcement agencies, etc. It is emphasized that the specificity of such actions leads to the emergence of certain traces of the type of murder being studied, on the basis of which typical traces are identified and the basis for their classification. The analysis of typical traces arising from the documented alienation of housing of citizens is carried out. Particular attention was paid to investigating the traces of hiding the murder. In this connection, the article draws attention to the analysis and identification of typical negative circumstances that indicate a murder by means of a staging. The opinion was expressed that the traces of the murder with the aim of seizing a person’s housing are due to: the following object; ways and instruments of life deprivation and housing alienation; the injured; the place and setting of the murder.

Authors and Affiliations

В. С. Суходубов, V. S. Sukhodubov


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How To Cite

В. С. Суходубов, V. S. Sukhodubov (2018). Typical traces of crime – an important element of the criminalistic characteristic of murders in order to take over the housing. ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ, 2(36), 156-170. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-535838