Українські літописи як джерело формування фразеологічного арсеналу ідіостилю Пантелеймона Куліша
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue
This article is about a source of phraseological units which were identifi ed in Panteleymon Kulish’s linguistic creativity. The language valuation of Kulish’s writings in the Ukrainian language of different historical periods was characterized. The writer’s information about his biography and epistolary was analyzed as evidence of chronicles’ interest. Attention is paid to the Ukrainian spoken of the phraseology in Samovydets’s Chronicle, Grygoriy Grab’yanka’s Chronicle, Galicia-Volyn chronicle. The infl uence of the old Ukrainian written tradition on selection phraseological units in Panteleymon Kulish’s creativity was shown. The function of stylistic categories of idioms in Kulish’s idiostyle in the context of the adoption of chronicle tradition was partially described. This was done in an attempt to estimate the achievement of modern phraseography according to the codifi cation of phraseological units which actively function in the writer’s lingual practice.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Ludmyła Ustenko
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