Український гуманітарний дискурс у Чернівецькому університеті імені Франца Йосифа
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue
The paper researches the motives and circumstances of the founding of Chernivtsi University. Particular attention is paid to the procedure of selecting the candidates for professorship in the Department of Ukrainian language and literature and the Department of History of Eastern Europe. The role of Vienna University professors in training and career development of the historians and philologists of Ukrainian educational process segment are defined. The reaction of region ethnic groups to the extended possibility of meeting the needs for the national development on a parity basis is analyses. It is established that the specific national Ukrainian discourse has expanded beyond the educational subject content and turned into the student movement for the introduction of Ukrainian language into the educational process and the separation of the History of Ukraine as an independent discipline from the History of Eastern Europe in order to establish the respective Department. It was found that the Chernivtsi University has significantly expanded the range of options to meet the requests of the national and cultural development on a parity basis. Ukrainians edge through higher education, were drawn into the circle of Western academic, cultural and political values. It is proved that in the Austrian period of Chernivtsi University stimulated the structuring of socio-political relations, spoke of social stratification factor, a resource of social progress in its national-cultural segment Institute reproduction of the political and cultural elite of the region.
Authors and Affiliations
Zinayida Zaytseva
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