An athlete moves as an integral biomechanical system, yet depending on the specifics of a specific sports discipline, the activity of certain body parts is different. The performance of athletes in different track-and-fi...
[b]Aim of the work.[/b] With the progress of civilization and increasing industrialization, a number of threats to health and correct functioning of the human organism is increasing. Amongst many factors the more and mor...
Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the level of declared physical activity of first-year students from Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw by using the International Physical Activity Questi...
[b]Cel pracy.[/b] Jednym z ważniejszych, choć mało jeszcze poznanych zagadnień jest selekcja i kształcenie dzieci uzdolnionych sportowo. W tym kontekście szczególnego znaczenia nabiera określenie predyktywności różnych p...
[b]Aim of the work[/b]. To define the influence of an annual athletic training program on sprinting stride length and frequency, body build and motor fitness of girls and boys aged 10–11.[b]Material and methods[/b]. The...
EP ID EP59930
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How To Cite
Wacław Petryński (2005). Understanding Fencing . Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 15(32),
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Peculiarities of movement of track-and-field athletes and team sports players
An athlete moves as an integral biomechanical system, yet depending on the specifics of a specific sports discipline, the activity of certain body parts is different. The performance of athletes in different track-and-fi...
Evaluation of morphofunctional development level in adolescents from ecologically threatened regions – early report
[b]Aim of the work.[/b] With the progress of civilization and increasing industrialization, a number of threats to health and correct functioning of the human organism is increasing. Amongst many factors the more and mor...
Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the level of declared physical activity of first-year students from Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw by using the International Physical Activity Questi...
Związki pomiędzy skutecznością działań młodych piłkarzy podczas gier ,,jeden przeciwko jednemu” a poziomem wybranych koordynacyjnych zdolności motorycznych
[b]Cel pracy.[/b] Jednym z ważniejszych, choć mało jeszcze poznanych zagadnień jest selekcja i kształcenie dzieci uzdolnionych sportowo. W tym kontekście szczególnego znaczenia nabiera określenie predyktywności różnych p...
The influence of training process on stride parameters, motor fitness and body build of 10-11 year old children
[b]Aim of the work[/b]. To define the influence of an annual athletic training program on sprinting stride length and frequency, body build and motor fitness of girls and boys aged 10–11.[b]Material and methods[/b]. The...