Journal Title: Revista Espaço do Currículo - Year 2019, Vol 12, Issue 2


The text is constructed with reference to some concerns that destabilize us in the course of researchers in the field of curriculum and, more precisely, in the field of curricular policies. The search for understanding, based on the theoretical contribution that we dialogue, politics as a process of signification and representation, leads us to distance ourselves from political analysis that anchor in the centralization of power and the idea of hegemony in the light of consensus. Beyond this perspective, we anchor our analysis in a poststructural matrix to conceive political actors as creators ofmeanings in politics, which are in permanent process of discursive articulation and in scenarios of provisional and contingent hegemonies. We aim to analyze the discourses of the National Union of Municipal Education Officers (UNDIME) on the National Curricular Common Base and on the role of the municipality in the "implementation" of this policy. The National Curricular Common Base, as a curriculum policy, unfolds in different discourses, which tend to produce signifiers that serve as nodal points, such as the quality of education and the right to education. Through a fertile theoretical dialogue and support in Discourse Theory, we point out the production of discursive strategies that become hybrid in the search for a national curriculum.

Authors and Affiliations

Jorge Luis Umbelino Sousa, Maria Zuleide da Costa Pereira


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  • EP ID EP683146
  • DOI https://doi.org/10.22478/ufpb.1983-1579.2019v12n2.39412
  • Views 152
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How To Cite

Jorge Luis Umbelino Sousa, Maria Zuleide da Costa Pereira (2019). UNDIME'S ACTION IN THE COMMON NATIONAL BASE CURRICULAR: analyzing joints. Revista Espaço do Currículo, 12(2), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-683146