Unlocking the potential of technology in education
Journal Title: e-mentor - Year 2016, Vol 65, Issue 3
Over the last years various attempts to legitimate technology in education have been observed. Beginning from the examples of simple digitization of schools books through „iPad school” initiative in the Netherlands till dedicated closed tablet solutions in the USA. At the end of 2014 first adaptive learning solutions were introduced. The Knewton's system using knowledge graph started giving recommendations for learners on what questions should they work next, provided learning analytics and instructions predicting future results. In 2015 cognitive computing and artificial intelligence systems that use natural language processing and machine learning entered the market. IBM started working on a comprehensive solution for personalized learning. The practical implementations of those system can not only improve students' outcomes but also help to close skills gaps and rise employability. This article presents solutions that are being unlocked right now showing examples of newly created value of technology in education.
Authors and Affiliations
Agata Czopek, Piotr Pietrzak
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