Using Digital Resources for Content and Language Integrated Learning: A Proposal for the ICT-Enrichment of a Course on Biology and Geology


Nowadays a wide range of digital tools are used to support the teaching and learning oflanguages. Their potential positive effects in the learning process can be particularly useful to ad-dress the challenges that may arise in approaches such as Content and Language Integrated Learning(CLIL), where students are expected not only to gain mastery in the content of the subject, but alsothe foreign language that is used as a vehicle of communication. This paper aims to offer a proposalfor the ICT-enrichment of CLIL subjects which has been implemented in a course of Biology andGeology in English taught in a Spanish Secondary School. A semi-structured interview with theteacher was used to analyse the needs faced in that particular educational setting. The results ob-tained, together with current literature on CLIL, were subsequently considered as the starting pointfor the judicious selection of digital platforms and tools to create and curate the supplementary re-sources from a principle-based approach. This process of ICT-enrichment is presented as a practicethat could be applied in different CLIL courses to adapt them to the specific needs of each context.

Authors and Affiliations

Sofia Albero-Posac


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Sofia Albero-Posac (2019). Using Digital Resources for Content and Language Integrated Learning: A Proposal for the ICT-Enrichment of a Course on Biology and Geology. Research in Education and Learning Innovation Archives (REALIA), 1(22), -.