Using the Techniques of Reflexive and Non-Reflective Listening at the Stage of Testing Students’ Knowledge During the Lesson

Journal Title: International Journal of Education and Science - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1


Background and Aim of Study: The article describes a model for the development of reflexive communication, using methods and forms of monitoring students' knowledge, especially oral questioning. The described forms and methods of knowledge control, listening techniques and psycho-emotional mechanisms that ensure the implementation of reflexive and non-reflexive listening. The aim of the study: to reveal the relevance of studying the issue of reflexive and non-reflexive listening at the stage of testing students’ knowledge during the course of the lesson. Results: The use of oral control contributes to the mastery of logical thinking, the development and development of skills to argue, to express their thoughts correctly, figuratively, emotionally, to defend their own opinions.The oral survey provided for the following sequence: formulation of questions (tasks) taking into account the specifics of the subject and the requirements of the program; preparing students for response and outlining knowledge. Conclusions: The use of reflexive and non-reflective listening methods activates mental activity; develops the ability to speak and listen;develops analytical skills, the ability to highlight the most important and clearly express their thoughts;strengthening the perception of the information received, the ability to reproduce information and use it to solve practical problems used in professional activities;cleaning shyness and shyness.

Authors and Affiliations

Elena Perezva, Margaryta Velieva, Kateryna Kostrubina


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  • EP ID EP427913
  • DOI 10.26697/ijes.2018.1-2.02
  • Views 220
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How To Cite

Elena Perezva, Margaryta Velieva, Kateryna Kostrubina (2018). Using the Techniques of Reflexive and Non-Reflective Listening at the Stage of Testing Students’ Knowledge During the Lesson. International Journal of Education and Science, 1(1), 15-20.