Uwarunkowania przedsiębiorczości w Polsce w dobie globalnego kryzysu
Journal Title: Przedsiębiorstwo i region - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 6
The subject of this study is the analysis of the influence the global crisis has on entrepre-neurship in Poland, and identification of activities undertaken to fade away it’s results, both on the national and EU level. Background of this analysis consists of a judgment of the influence the globalization process has on the conditions of activity and development of enterprises, mainly those from the SME sector. The results from the research indicate the low position of our country in the field of innovativeness, and a decrease of financial results has an effect on the change of the investment strategy, in the direction of reducing innovations. However, despite the worsening of the economic conditions, the number of newly estab-lished enterprises showed increasing tendencies. The most subjects were created in the group of small enterprises, employing from 10 to 49 people. This confirms the thesis, that during the crisis the SME sector, with creation of conditions which supported activity, effectively contributed to the social – economic development.
Authors and Affiliations
Lidia Kaliszczak, Renata Nesterowicz
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