Version 2.0 of the Individual style of conducting classes by an academic teacher in the context of contemporary changes and trends in education

Journal Title: e-mentor - Year 2018, Vol 74, Issue 2


The vast majority of contemporary students are people born after 1995. This generation is defined in journalistic publications, as well as in the sociological literature, as the generation "Z" (the term generation "C" is also used and has been coined from the English words "connect, communicate, change"). This generation has come to know, love and embrace modern technologies and together with the generation "Y" (people born between 1980 and 1995) they create the generation of so-called digital natives (Sajduk, 2015, p. 17). These days, they are the "native speakers" of the digital language (Prensky, 2001, p. 2). Young people, in order to communicate, in a natural way and without further instructions, use the internet, mobile devices and social media, where they create personalized networks of friends, colleagues and similarity groups (Pew Research Center, 2014, pp. 5-6). The omnipresent e-environment and people's constant interaction with it caused that students from the generation Y, and especially Z, think and process information in a different way than their predecessors. The issue has become one of areas of the interest of neuroeducation (also referred to as - mind, brain and education or MBE). This fast-growing field of science, brings together neurobiologists, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists conducting clinical research, logicians, mathematicians, physicists, cybernetics and computer scientists, who deal with neural networks and artificial intelligence, as well as educators, sociologists, linguists, philosophers and cultural anthropologists (Juszczyk, 2012, p. 40). Their task is to examine the optimal teaching and learning process from the perspective of brainwork, through the exploration of interactions between biological processes and education. This area of interest of neuroeducation, also includes the issue of the impact of modern technologies on teaching and learning processes (Hon Wah, Chi-Hung, 2013).

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Rozmus, Olga Kurek-Ochmańska


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  • EP ID EP422898
  • DOI 10.15219/em74.1346
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How To Cite

Andrzej Rozmus, Olga Kurek-Ochmańska (2018). Version 2.0 of the Individual style of conducting classes by an academic teacher in the context of contemporary changes and trends in education. e-mentor, 74(2), 4-9.