Vertebroplasty with methacrylate bone cement and radiotherapy in the treatment of spinal metastases with epidural spinal cord compression. Preliminary report

Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2005, Vol 7, Issue 5


Background. The choice of treatment method for metastases to the spine remains an unresolved and controversial question. The major complication in disseminated neoplastic disease compression of the spine and nervous elements. Vertebroplasty performed jointly with palliative radiotherapy has been proposed as a procedure to treat metastases complicated by cancer infiltrations in the vicinity of the spine.Material and methods. We examined 21 patients treated since May 2004. Vertebroplasty was performed by surgery using acrylic cement, followed by palliative radiotherapy.Results. Outcome was assessed by clinical examination, neurological evaluation, and other methods, such as X-ray, CT scan, and MRI. All patients showed prompt relief of pain and substantial improvement in mobility. No complications or side effects were observed in connection with the joint palliative treatment.Conclusions. Vertebroplasty is an effective method and works to help stabilize spinal fractures. Satisfactory results were obtained using palliative treatment. The use of acrylic cement made it possible to perform radiotherapy safely with an optimum margin of healthy tissues, which enhances treatment. These initial results point to the need for further clinical collaboration between neurosurgeon and radiotherapist.

Authors and Affiliations

Maria Jagas, Rafał Patrzyk, Jerzy Zwoliński, Andrzej Kołodziejczyk, Jarosław Sakowski, Marek Pudełko, Karol Całka, Przemysław Jaźwiec


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How To Cite

Maria Jagas, Rafał Patrzyk, Jerzy Zwoliński, Andrzej Kołodziejczyk, Jarosław Sakowski, Marek Pudełko, Karol Całka, Przemysław Jaźwiec (2005). Vertebroplasty with methacrylate bone cement and radiotherapy in the treatment of spinal metastases with epidural spinal cord compression. Preliminary report. Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja, 7(5), 491-498.