Використання сервісів мережі інтернет у контурі дер «освітньо-інформаційне середовище як фактор цілісного розвитку особистості»
Journal Title: Нова педагогічна думка - Year 2017, Vol 92, Issue 4
The article deals with the services of the Internet for implementation of experimental and experimental work «Educational and informational environment as a factor of holistic personality development»: a blog and a network community. The classification of Web 2.0
Authors and Affiliations
Оксана Тимощук, Юрій Новак
Ігор Стравінський і Православна Церква
Ihor Stravinsky was a composer who often changed the style and manner of writing, the country of residence and even citizenship during a long, creative, and socially conscious life, but he had always remained faithful to...
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The article analyzes the notion of creativity as a trait, quality, characteristic of a modern school teacher’s personality; as an ability to non-traditional, original way of solving the new problematic tasks and situatio...
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In the article, becoming and development of Rome-Catholic Church is exposed in modern Ukraine, the analysis of expansion of its structural network is conducted. Reasons and tendencies of increase of quantitative indexes...
Медіаграмотність як життєво необхідна навичка в сучасному соціально-політичному та культурному просторі України
The article deals with the concept of media education and studies the issue of media literacy as a vital skillin the contemporary socio-political and cultural space of Ukraine.
Вплив глобалізаційних процесів на професійну підготовку прикордонників у республіці Індії
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