Visual analysis of the periodic table of chemical elements during the search for their symbols (eyetracker research)

Journal Title: Problemy Współczesnej Pedagogiki - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 1


In the era of rapid development of new technologies and easy access to a variety of measurement tools, the possibility of using new methods in didactic research can be noticed. They can serve as an enrichment of conventional methods, while being a guarantee of greater reliability and objectivity of the conducted research. One type of such a research is known as eyetracking. At the beginning of the article the basic information on eyetracking is presented together with a brief historical outline of its use in general and in pedagogy. Attention was paid to the benefits the eyetracking research can bring to the education process. The hypothesis was formulated that the method of searching for the element’s symbol in the periodic table is the student’s individual feature. The research was carried out in the group of 7th grade primary school male and female students. As a result of the research, the hypothesis was positively verified. The test results are presented in the form of thermal maps, eye movement paths and the data summarizing tables. It was found, that the method of analyzing the image depicting the periodic table of chemical elements, is chaotic. The time required to complete the task is very diverse and depends on the student. Basing on the analysis of research results, it can be stated that in order to improve the efficiency of education, the individualization of teaching should be increased upon the results of eyetracking research.

Authors and Affiliations

Jan Rajmund Paśko, Katarzyna Mulawka


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  • EP ID EP539413
  • DOI 10.25944/pwp.18.4.5772
  • Views 117
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How To Cite

Jan Rajmund Paśko, Katarzyna Mulawka (2018). Visual analysis of the periodic table of chemical elements during the search for their symbols (eyetracker research). Problemy Współczesnej Pedagogiki, 4(1), 57-72.