Vitamin D supplementation in adults – guidelines

Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2010, Vol 23, Issue 2


Vitamin D is necessary for maintaining appropriate calcium and phosphate homeostasis in the body (classical function) and for ensuring appropriate functioning of many tissues, organs, cells not related to mineral economy (nonclassical function). Vitamin D deficiency causes in adults osteomalacia, increases the risk of fractures in osteoporosis, conduces the development of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes type 1 and 2, multiple sclerosis, Lesniowski-Crohn disease, and cancer, among them colon, breast, and prostate cancer.The causes for vitamin D deficiency in healthy population are: decreased level of cutaneus synthesis as well as inadequate intake of Vitamin D in food and in supplements. Vitami D deficiency (level 25(OH) D below 20 ng/ml) is common. It occurs in several dozen percent of healthy persons in many regions of the world, independent of race, gender and age. The daily dosage of Vitamin D consumption as set by Food and Nutrition Board in 1997 is insufficient. The biggest obstacle is that the dosage of 50 ?g/day is the highest level in food supplements. Nowadays, it is recommended that adults require a minimum of 800-1000 j.m./day when the exposition to the sun is inadequate (in Poland from October to April). This dosage should be given to all persons who avoid being exposed to sunlight and to persons older than 65 years because of decreased skin synthesis of Vitamin D and proven antifracture and antifalls effects.

Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Marcinowska-Suchowierska, Magdalena Walicka, Marek Tałałaj, Wanda Horst-Sikorska


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Ewa Marcinowska-Suchowierska, Magdalena Walicka, Marek Tałałaj, Wanda Horst-Sikorska (2010). Vitamin D supplementation in adults – guidelines. Postępy Nauk Medycznych, 23(2), -.