Визначення об’єктивних факторів для встановлення споживчої стиглості плодів кизилу / Determination of objective factors for the determination of consumer ripeness of the fruits of dogwood


Objective indicators of the consumer degree of ripeness of ogwood in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine are systematized. According to the phenological indicators of consumer ripeness, the fruits of the dogwood begin to grow in 113–123 days after flowering. The process of reaching lasts 27–30 days. It has been established that in the consumer maturation, the fruits of dogwood acquire when the organoleptic and biochemical parameters characteristic for this variety are reached. Indicators of consumer degree of maturity varies depending on the variety and weather conditions of the growing year. The consumer rudeness of the fruit of the dogwood of early-seeded varieties Еlena, Mykhailivsky comes through 113–116 days after flowering for the sum of effective temperatures above 5 °С – 1732–1769, the sum of active temperatures – 2163–2193; for the achievement of the average weight of the fetus – 3,8–4,3 g, their tasting scores – 4,1–4,3 points, the color of the peel of light red and red, sweet-sour or sweet-sour taste, characteristic of a specific flavor, at the same time reaching 75–8 % of the fruit; accumulation of dry soluble substances content – 17,1–23,9 %, sugars – 6,3–10,5 %, titrated acids – 2,4–3,1 %, ascorbic acid – 80,6–91,0 mg/100 g and the sugar-acid index – 2,2–3,5. Consumer rudeness of the fruit of the dogwood of middle-late varieties of Еvgenia, Vydubesky, Lukianivsky comes in 122–123 days after flowering at the sum of effective temperatures above 5 °С – 1893–1920, the sum of active temperatures – 2357–2415; for the achievement of the average weight of the fetus – 3,7–4,2 g, their tasting rating – 4,5–4,6 points, the color of the skin of dark red color, sweet-sour or sour-sweet taste, inherent in a specific flavor, at the same time reaching 75–85 % of the fruit; accumulation of dry soluble substances content – 15,6–23,5 %, sugars – 5,9–10,5 %, titrated acids – 2,41–3,08 %, ascorbic acid – 70,2–93,6 mg/100 g and the sugar-acid index – 2,4–3,6.

Authors and Affiliations

Е. Postolenko


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How To Cite

Е. Postolenko (2018). Визначення об’єктивних факторів для встановлення споживчої стиглості плодів кизилу / Determination of objective factors for the determination of consumer ripeness of the fruits of dogwood. Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія, 22(), 273-278. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-597854