Волинська українська інтелігенція у боротьбі за національну школу в умовах Другої Речі Посполитої (1921 - 1939 рр.)
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue
The struggle of Ukrainian intelligentsia for national schooling in Western Volyn in the interwar period was analyzed in the article. The implementation of the Polish educational policy in Western Ukraine was clarified. In the early years of independence Polish have paid major attention to schooling development, as it became an important tool for educating future citizens of the Second Polish Republic. Ukrainians in multiethnic Poland accounted about 15% of the population and were the second numerous national group after the Polish. In Volyn province number of Polish in the scale of the whole country was the lowest – 16.6%. Statistical data about introduction of bilingual schools as one of the most effective measures to reduce, and in the future – the elimination of Ukrainian educational institutions, is grounded. Attention was focused on the desire of Ukrainian people to defend the right to national and cultural development of national minorities, declared by Polish legislation. The selfless work of Ukrainian ambassadors in the Polish Sejm, aimed on solving the educational problems of the Ukrainian community in terms of polonization was shown. The consequences of «Volyn experiment» by G. Yuzevskoho in schooling were revealed. From 1928 the political concept guided to establishing Ukrainian-Polish relations through peaceful coexistence and cooperation between Ukrainians and Polish, and then the gradual assimilation of the Ukrainian population and recognition of Polish superiority was realized. At the same time it was supposed to isolate Western Volyn from the dissemination of political influences of Ukrainian political and social organizations of Eastern Galicia by creating artificial «Sokal border», which had to separate people for the implementation of regional programs. The ethnic composition of teaching staff was analyzed. In the 1927/28 academic year the Polish-teachers constituted 69.3% and Ukrainians . 24.3%. After five years, the percentage of Polish increased to 79.8% and fell to 13.5% as for Ukrainians. The Policy of Polish authorities was aimed at eliminating the Ukrainian education and consistent denationalization of Ukrainian population through the Polish character of schooling; running school documentation only in Polish; Polish implementation of curriculum in Ukrainian schools. All these measures leveled national features of Ukrainian education. The warnings of supporters of Polish nationalist concept, who concerned by the presence of Ukrainian teachers in Volyn, who could spread the Ukrainian nationalism among the «ignorant masses» of local people were revealed. The results of «Volyn experiment» by G. Yuzevskoho in education were shown. In the 1937/38 academic year among 1,934 existing schools of Volyn province the overwhelming majority – 853 schools were teaching in Polish, but with obligatory Ukrainian language as a subject. 121,455 people studied here. The second place took bilingual schools – 520, where 77,008 pupils studied. The next group consisted of Polish schools – 494 with 74,520 children. In addition to these educational institutions there were only seven Ukrainian schools, where 1,076 pupils were getting education in their native language. It was concluded that in terms of assimilation and polonization Ukrainians demonstrated the ability to self-organization and continued to fight for the realization of their ethnocultural aspirations in terms of Second Commonwealth. Nationally conscious Ukrainian intelligentsia of West Volyn during the interwar period managed to preserve and defend the right of national minorities, declared on the development of schooling.
Authors and Affiliations
Valentyna Dobrochynska
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