Вплив глобалізації на формування фінансових ринків
Journal Title: Вісник Дніпропетровського університету.Світове господарство і міжнародні економічні відносини - Year 2016, Vol 24, Issue 8
The article studies the processes of transformation of world economic markets under the impact of globalization and regionalization. It is devoted to research the positive and negative signs of globalization of world financial markets. Globalization appears as a worldwide strengthening openness and interdependence of countries, national regions, individual companies, economic agents and individuals, communities and it is one of the leading, universal tendency of modern social and economic development. This phenomenon is not entered into purely economic framework, which, incidentally, can be said about various phenomena associated with regionalization, other processes of internationalization and global competition. In a fundamental sense, globalization manifests to all spheres of socio-economic, ethno-cultural life and it produces as positive effects so as negative one on a global economic growth, with increasingly negative effects prevail. Formally, it increases the absolute and relative (in relation to GDP) the world trade of goods and services, and the growth of the movement of capital and labor. Modern internationalization, which functionally fills the economic globalization and regionalization, is reflected on the conditions and directions of transformation of the global financial markets and on the movement mechanism of financial instruments, which gives the appearance of globalization of financial markets, the mechanism of formation of a global movement of financial instruments and regional mechanisms movement of financial instruments. Globalization generates extent and nature of financial markets like a global, international, and regional in all over the world (this applies to both developed countries and countries of world periphery). Today, the internationalization of financial markets is an integral part of the mechanism of distribution and redistribution of resources. Moreover, such distribution and redistribution occur directly relating to goods (tangible and intangible) and services, cash, credit, and indirectly to the form of capital inputs.
Authors and Affiliations
Olga Trifonova
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