Вплив комплексної дії агрозаходів на формування врожаю сортів картоплі різних груп стиглості / Influence of complex action of agro-measures on the yield formation of potato varieties of different groups of ripeness


The article presents the results of the influence of the terms and depth of wrapping of different varieties for the ripeness, on the productivity of potato tubers in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine. It was established that the highest value of the productivity index of tubers was observed on variants with the first (23–25.04) and the second (03–05.05) terms of planting. In the variant with the first planting date (23–25.04), the yield was calculated according to varieties medium-early – Dyvo – 45,4 t/ha, Malynska white – 42,4 t/ha; medium-ripe Nadiyna – 48,1 t/ha and Slovyanka – 42,9 t/ha, medium-late Dar – 44,7 t/ha and Alladin – 35,6 t/ha. The highest yield of potato tubers is set at an average of varieties from I (23–25.04) term of planting – 40,6 t/ha. Then, as from II (03–05.05) and III (13–15.05) terms of planting were 37,0 and 35,3 t/ha, which is 3,4 and 5,4 t/ha lower compared to the first period of planting (23–25.04). Analysis of yield indices by varieties shows that irrespective of the terms of tuber cultivation and the depth of wrapping, over the years of research on average, medium-early varieties were the most productive. Thus, at the first term of sowing, the yield was (23-25.04) – 42,5t/ha, the second – 39,4 t/ha, the third – 37,0 t/ha, respectively. Among the medium-early varieties, Dyvo variety is distinguished with a yield of 45,4 t/ha, medium-ripe Nadiyna – 48,1 t/ha, and medium-late Dar – 44,7 t/ha. In the analysis of the plant by yield in variants with depth of tubers wrapping, as a factor, a depth of 6–8 cm is allocated. The highest yield of potato tubers was obtained from the first term of planting (23–25.04) of medium-early variety Dyvo at the depth of wrapping of 6–8 cm – 46,8 t/ha, at the depth of wrapping 2–3 cm – 45,1 t/ha, and 10–12 cm – 44,2 t/ha.

Authors and Affiliations

R. Myalkovsky


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How To Cite

R. Myalkovsky (2018). Вплив комплексної дії агрозаходів на формування врожаю сортів картоплі різних груп стиглості / Influence of complex action of agro-measures on the yield formation of potato varieties of different groups of ripeness. Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія, 22(), 339-346. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-597879