Вплив мульчування ґрунту на урожайність плодів кабачка в умовах Лісостепу Правобережного України / Influence of mulching of soil on the productivity of garden-stuffs of squash in the conditions of Forest-Steppe Right Bank of Ukraine


Results over of researches are brought on the study of influence of mulching of soil on the productivity of garden-stuffs of squash in the conditions of Forest-steppe Right-bank of Ukraine. Researches are set positive influence of mulching of soil on duration of periods, biometrical indexes of plants of squash, productivity and biometrical indexes of products. Mulching of soil assisted reduction of periods of height and development of plants of squash tape polyethylene black. A period is a "stair – beginning of forming of fruit" presented – a 29 twenty-four hours, that on a 8 twenty-four hours more short from a control variant. Mulching of soil assisted lengthening of periods a straw. A period is a "stair – beginning of forming of fruit" presented – a 38 twenty-four hours, that on a 1 twenty-four hours more long from a control variant. Also, influence of mulching of soil is set researches on the biometrical indexes of plants of squash. The most height of plants is marked at plants for mulching of soil by tape polyethylene black are a 82,6 cm. This variant was characterized most of sheets and their area according to 32,6p./plant and 17,5 thousand m2/ha, that more control on 10,8 p./plant and 6,4 thousand m2/ha. Undertaken studies showed that application of mulching materials positively had influenced on forming of harvest of plants of squash. Most productivity on the average for years researches had plants of sort of Zolotinka for mulching of soil tape polyethylene black – 52,1 t/ha, that provided the increase of harvest at the level of 10,2 t/ha. Forming of amount of garden-stuffs on a plant depended on the type of mulching material. Yes, for application of mulching of soil the amount of garden-stuffs presented tape polyethylene black are 15,3p./plant, and on a variant without mulching of soil on 1,4 p./plant less than. By an important index that influences there is mass of fruit on the productivity. The sort of Zolotinka had her anymore for mulching of soil by tape polyethylene black are 313 g, and on control are 286 g, that on 27 g less than.

Authors and Affiliations

I. I. Palamarchuk


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  • EP ID EP559612
  • DOI 10.31734/agronomy2018.02.074
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How To Cite

I. I. Palamarchuk (2018). Вплив мульчування ґрунту на урожайність плодів кабачка в умовах Лісостепу Правобережного України / Influence of mulching of soil on the productivity of garden-stuffs of squash in the conditions of Forest-Steppe Right Bank of Ukraine. Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія, 22(), 74-78. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-559612