Vulneración del derecho a la intimidad personal y familiar en las redes sociales

Journal Title: Revista Jurídica Crítica y Derecho - Year 2020, Vol 1, Issue 1


Through the Constitution, the State guarantees the effective enjoyment of the fundamental rights of the human being, the right to personal and family privacy, the right to the protection of personal data, among others. They are being violated, through the misuse of social networks that violate the right to privacy of individuals, acts that legally become crimes such as: kidnappings, extortion, fraud, harassment, intimidation, impersonation, use of malicious software, violation of privacy, website hacking and more crime. The right to privacy must be delimited to differentiate from other goods and fundamental rights. In the field of education and at the family level, information and communication technologies make it easier for children, adolescents and others to carry out various activities, since it is a way of interaction, leisure, work and learning, however, despite being an important resource, by being misused, they compromise the personal and social integrity of users.

Authors and Affiliations

Angela Estefanía Baño Carvajal Jenny Liliana Reyes Estrada


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How To Cite

Angela Estefanía Baño Carvajal Jenny Liliana Reyes Estrada (2020). Vulneración del derecho a la intimidad personal y familiar en las redes sociales. Revista Jurídica Crítica y Derecho, 1(1), -.