Warunki i strategie działalności naukowej polskich akademiczek na niwie pedagogiki i psychologii w latach 1918–1939
Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2018, Vol 63, Issue 4
The article is connected with the conditions and strategies of the Polish psychologists’ and pedagogues’ scientific work in the interwar period. None of them pursued the ‘classical’ academic path, in terms of official employment status and promotion within a university. Most of them worked in the Wolna Wszechnica Polska. Women who were distinguished by their activity in the field of research were Helena Radlińska, Maria Grzegorzewska, Józefa Joteyko, Ludwika Karpińska-Woyczyńska. They attended the internal and transnational scientific life taking part in conferences and conventions, publishing scientific papers in Polish and foreign scientific journals. The significant strategy of the women handling the science was also their participation in the social and learned societies.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Aneta Bołdyrew
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