Wczesne wyniki czynnościowe operacji tympanoplastycznych w materiale Kliniki Otolaryngologii i Onkologii Laryngologicznej CM UMK w Bydgoszczy w latach 2004-2009
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 4
Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Kaźmierczak, Joanna Janiak-Kiszka, Paweł K. Burduk
GJB2 sequencing in deaf and profound sensorineural hearing loss children
Introduction. GJB2 mutations are the most frequent reason of genetic congenital hearing loss. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of GJB2 mutations in the deaf and profound hearing loss children.Material an...
Poszczepienne gruźlicze zapalenie ucha środkowego i jego powikłania – opis przypadku
Introduction: Tuberculosis is a major problem of constant importance all over the world. Notably, in the developed countries it is due to immunosuppressive therapy and AIDS. Primary otological tuberculosis constitutes a...
Rehabilitacja chorych po laryngektomii – wizja a realizacja
Universality, early initiation, complexity and continuity – should be the main attributes of rehabilitation in patients after laryngectomy. The authors discuss the problem of universality and accessibility of rehabilitat...
The rare case of fibroma of reticuloendothelial system of parapharyngeal space in fourteen year old girl
The subject of our presentation is the case of a fourteen year old girl with rare histological type of histiocytoma malignum and with rare localisation of the primary neoplasm of the parapharyngeal space. Anatomopatholog...
Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia of larynx: Case report and literature review of all head and neck cases
Intravascular papillary end othelial hyperplasia (IPEH) is a benign lesion of a vascula r origin that is caused by excessive proliferation of endothel ial cells in blood vessels or vascular malformati ons. It is a rareen...