What we are taught by Kępiński today?

Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2012, Vol 163, Issue 4


The author, basing on Schizophrenia by Antoni Kępiński, attempts to find a key to understand psychosis and seeks suggestions for everyday therapeutic work. He emphasizes the importance of therapeutic relationship and bonding with the patient on the way towards a common world. In this process, the patient is getting closer to us and helps us to know ourselves better. The author describes a therapeutic approach to stimulate the healing process and reiterates the 40-years old practical recommendations of Professor Kępiński, who expected individual treatment of each patient, encouraged to teach patients to manage their own treatment and to treat them as experts in their own experiences. The author believes that psychiatry should return to the humanistic approach in the spirit of Antoni Kępiński and deepen its sensitivity to the fundamental needs of patients and their families.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Cechnicki


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How To Cite

Andrzej Cechnicki (2012). What we are taught by Kępiński today?. Psychoterapia, 163(4), 55-59. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-114676