Artykuł stanowi próbę przyjrzenia się sytuacji nauczania języka angielskiego dzieci z lekką niepełnosprawnością
intelektualną w polskim systemie kształcenia. Okazuje się, że pomimo korzyści
związanych z wprowadzaniem nau...
Early school leaving (ESL) is an issue of serious concern of the European Union as one of the
factors contributing to youth unemployment, poverty and low educational achievement
(Commission of the European Communities 20...
According to the latest edition of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA
et al. 2014), validity is still the most fundamental construct in educational measurement. The
new edition, like the previo...
Vocational education was one of the most important stages of the educational system in those days, as it is today. In the interwar period vocational education took on a special significance, because with its help efforts...
The article presents an outline of the history of institution called University Public Lectures,
which functioned at the University of Warsaw during the interwar period, starting from the
year 1922. The task of the insti...
EP ID EP228442
Views 119
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How To Cite
Agata Chilmon-Procyk (2017). Wiesława Limont, Uczeń zdolny. Jak go rozpoznać i jak z nim pracować. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 62(3),
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Teaching English to intellectually challenged learners in a special system of schooling on the basis of the Polish education programme
Artykuł stanowi próbę przyjrzenia się sytuacji nauczania języka angielskiego dzieci z lekką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w polskim systemie kształcenia. Okazuje się, że pomimo korzyści związanych z wprowadzaniem nau...
Importance and dimensions of ESL in Poland – school staff’s perception
Early school leaving (ESL) is an issue of serious concern of the European Union as one of the factors contributing to youth unemployment, poverty and low educational achievement (Commission of the European Communities 20...
Standardy trafności pomiaru
According to the latest edition of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA et al. 2014), validity is still the most fundamental construct in educational measurement. The new edition, like the previo...
Wychowanie młodzieży w krakowskich szkołach zawodowych w duchu patriotycznym i obywatelskim (1918–1939)
Vocational education was one of the most important stages of the educational system in those days, as it is today. In the interwar period vocational education took on a special significance, because with its help efforts...
Powszechne Wykłady Uniwersyteckie jako forma pracy Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego na rzecz oświaty dorosłych w okresie II Rzeczypospolitej – zarys problematyki
The article presents an outline of the history of institution called University Public Lectures, which functioned at the University of Warsaw during the interwar period, starting from the year 1922. The task of the insti...