Wkład o. L. Dehona w rozwój kultu Najświętszego Serca Jezusa

Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2015, Vol 28, Issue 1


Father Dehon discovering and deepening in his personal spiritual life the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was simultaneously experiencing that love with which God loved a human through Christ. Not only he experienced God’s love for himself, but moreover in response to this love he loved Him back, promised Him faithfulness and reparation while preaching and showing that love towards the people. The contribution of Fr. Dehon into the development and spread of the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus wouldn’t have happened without his personal devotion to the Heart of Jesus. The seed of this devotion has been planted during his childhood, however the time of the rapid growth and consolidation of this spiritual maturity took shape in time of his studies in the French seminary. The subject of Fr. Dehon’s cult was the second Person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ and particularly the Heart of Jesus, but the fundamental reason for that cult was the love of the Redeemer of the world. We can notice here the exact mirroring of the teaching presented by the pope Pius XII in the encyclical Haurietis aquas. The Trinitarian dimension of the spread of the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is also visible in the apostolic activity of Fr. Dehon and in the activity of the first priests of the Congregation. Thanks to their zeal that cult has been constantly promoted. Writing activity of Fr. Dehon contributed towards the growth of the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through preaching of the love of God toward human and promoting that love in day to day life. His social activity was based on the conviction that the biggest problem in the social field was simply lack of love and as a consequence and a side effect building of the unjust society. Living the spirituality of the Sacred Heart that way Fr. Dehon has had an unquestionable contribution towards the development and spread of that cult.

Authors and Affiliations

Gabriel Pisarek


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How To Cite

Gabriel Pisarek (2015). Wkład o. L. Dehona w rozwój kultu Najświętszego Serca Jezusa. Sympozjum, 28(1), 57-70. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-181051