Word-building paradigmatic principle of defining derivational potential of the verbs motivated by temporal nouns with the meaning of the day parts
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство) - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue
The article is devoted to the investigation of word-building possibilities of words from the position of core-centered approach, according to which a stem is a defining means of typologization. The shift of accent from formant-centered aspect, which presupposed systematization of all material with the emphasis on word-building formant and which was wide-spread in derivatology for a long time, to core-centered aspect made it possible to outline the role of a stem in word-building. It wasn’t done in formant-centered approach and I. Kovalyk, the founder of Ukrainian derivatology, also pointed it out. The author emphasizes that planned and systematic study of derivational possibility of words became possible taking into consideration the precondition of this potential by the part-of-speech status of a motivational stem, its structure, origin, semantics, functional loading, etc. At the same time the derivational potential of this or that word is influenced by categorical status of the analyzed unit, its belonging to a definite structure (for example, lexico-semantic group) which determines the above-mentioned factors improving or modifying them to some extent. Defining a word-building potential of verbs as one of the most difficult morphological classes of words with an extensive system of grammatical categories and their material expressions – grammatical forms – is one of the stages of in-depth coverage of all motivational basis of the Ukrainian language by core-centered aspect with the aim of forming typology of word-building. In the article we investigate word-building possibilities of verbs motivated by temporal nouns with the use of core-centered approach. Namely, we structure word-building paradigm of verbs depending on part-of-speech belonging of derivative units, establish continuum of their word-building meanings, trace the ability to develop additional semantic shades, define the inventory of word-building means and outline the degree of productivity of a stem.
Authors and Affiliations
О. П. Кушлик
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