Work in Otryt Mountain Hut. Analysis of pictures and their meanings

Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ - Year 2008, Vol 4, Issue 3


This article has two aims. The first; presentation analysis of work process (based on exiting photos), which shows the main differentiation between social established (and realizing) types of work; individual and collective, men and women, and serious ("meritorious") and non-serious ("non-meritorious"). This part of the article has been based on grounded theory method. The second; shows, how non-ideological researchers point of view differ which common and ideologicaly and/or emotionally influenced on the other hand. Finally, an author provides discussion about form of presentation as a reason of different interpretation of this presentation.

Authors and Affiliations

Waldemar Dymarczyk


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How To Cite

Waldemar Dymarczyk (2008). Work in Otryt Mountain Hut. Analysis of pictures and their meanings. PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ, 4(3), 75-88.