Wpływ egzaminów certyfikatowych z języka polskiego jako obcego na status polszczyzny w świecie oraz na zmiany w glottodydaktyce polonistycznej


The state certificate examinations in Polish as a foreign language, which have been conducted in Poland and abroad since 2004, are considered the most successful educational project in Polish glottodidactics of the last decades. The exams evaluate the candidates’ proficiency on one of the 3 available levels (B1 – Threshold, B2 – Vantage and C2 – Mastery; according to the standards described in Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). The aim of this article is to present the scale of this project, as well as to reflect on the promotional power of the examinations. It also discusses the changes they brought about in glottodidactics of Polish language and in the perception of Polish language in the world. The certificate examinations are seen as a crucial event in teaching Polish as a foreign language and they are regarded, according to cited opinions of Władysław Miodunka, as ‘exams of great significance’ and pedagogical innovation. The author also presents Adam Pawłowski’s concept of Polish as the most important Slavic language in the European Union, which, in his opinion, the citizens of EU should learn together with at least one Germanic and one Romance language. In Pawłowski’s opinion, the certification of the Polish language is very effective in promoting this language in the world

Authors and Affiliations

Grażyna Zarzycka


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How To Cite

Grażyna Zarzycka (2016). Wpływ egzaminów certyfikatowych z języka polskiego jako obcego na status polszczyzny w świecie oraz na zmiany w glottodydaktyce polonistycznej. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, 0(), 217-227. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-182428