Wpływ stanu infrastruktury i jakości oferty przewozowej na rozwój kolejowych przewozów pasażerskich – przykład Dolnego Śląska
Journal Title: Technika Transportu Szynowego - Year 2018, Vol 291, Issue 7
In 2012–2017 the total number of passengers of railways in Lower Silesia Voivodship has increased by 75%, whereas the average growth in Poland at that time was only 10.8%. The article presents the analysis of factors, which influenced the attractiveness of railway transport in the region. The infrastructure condition has been characterized together with its changes resulting from investment, repairs and maintenance works. Moreover the article describes the improvement of passenger transport offer, either in terms of quantity, or quality of rail connections.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Massel
Komunikacja kolejowa między Polską a Białorusią
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