In the article, basing the poetic texts by S. Yesenin and their Polish translations, specific pecularities of decoding one of the lexico-semantic paradigms as a component part of the author’s poetic structure in the proc...
The aim of the article is to show the attitude of Mykola Ryabchuk towards the transformations in the Ukraine after the regaining of the independence in 1991. The publicist expresses severe criticism of the Ukrainian auth...
The paper presents a variety of synesthetic metaphors used by musical critics. The metaphors were retrieved from musical critical texts written in Russian, which described classical music events. The basis of division ar...
EP ID EP657995
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How To Cite
Zofia Abramowicz (1996). Wschodniosłowiańskie cechy językowe w nazewnictwie osobowym Podlasia. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Uładzimir Karatkiewicz w Polsce
Специфика перекодирования лексико-цветовой парадигмы лирики Сергея Есенина в польской языковой системе
In the article, basing the poetic texts by S. Yesenin and their Polish translations, specific pecularities of decoding one of the lexico-semantic paradigms as a component part of the author’s poetic structure in the proc...
Дынабург - Парыж - Лондан - Кукавячын "або Яшчэ адзін Жыццяпіс змагарнага XIX стагоддзя"
Procesy społeczno-polityczne zachodzące na Ukrainie w świetle publicystyki Mykoły Riabczuka
The aim of the article is to show the attitude of Mykola Ryabchuk towards the transformations in the Ukraine after the regaining of the independence in 1991. The publicist expresses severe criticism of the Ukrainian auth...
Metafora synestezyjna w rosyjskich tekstach krytyki muzycznej
The paper presents a variety of synesthetic metaphors used by musical critics. The metaphors were retrieved from musical critical texts written in Russian, which described classical music events. The basis of division ar...