Współistnienie nerwiaka słuchowego i guza szyszynki u chorego z nagłą głuchotą
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 2
Introduction. Acoustic neuroma usually presents as an unilateral tumor, seldom – bilateral and rarely in coexistence with other central nervous system neoplasms. The following paper reports such a case of a 21-year-old male patient presented with sudden deafness in left ear accompanied with tinnitus and vertigo. Symptoms started 4 weeks prior hospitalization. Their aggravation has been observed 7 days before admission to the hospital. Audiometry revealed moderate sensorineural hearing loss in left ear (for low and middle frequencies), brainstem auditory evoked potentials were absent on the left side and ENG examination showed left peripheral vestibular impairment. Initially patient received i.v. vasodilatators showing 20-25 dB improvement in low frequencies after 3 days of treatment. MRI study revealed in the left internal acoustic meatus mass (7 x 7 x 14 mm) suggesting acoustic neuroma and an oval mass (7 x 9 x 14 mm) in the pineal gland presenting radiological features of pinealoma. Patient has been qualifi ed for neurosurgical treatment. Acoustic neuroma has been removed by suboccipital approach and pinealoma has been left for further observation as it was found incidentally. Histopathological examination confi rmed diagnosis of left VIII nerve schwannoma. The left facial palsy (House-Brackmann III/IV grade) and profound hearing loss appeared after surgery. The postoperative course shows no evidence of acoustic neuroma recurrence.
Authors and Affiliations
Marcin Durko, Andrzej Jankowski, Tomasz Durko, Witold Gajewicz, Anna Pajor
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