Wspomaganie rozwoju umiejętności modelowania form przestrzennych przez dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
Journal Title: Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna - Year 2017, Vol 10, Issue 2
Supporting Development of Pre-school Children’s Ability to Model Spatial Forms The sense of touch is one of very important cognitive inclinations — particularly for younger children. In creative activity this simplest signal of pro-aesthetic contact allows to fulfilling need for operating plastic material. Significance of educative actions, which aim at training of senses, supporting development of manual activity, imagination and spatial thinking, is crucial for this study. The goal of undertaken pedagogical experiment– within the scope of defining rules in spatial modeling of forms — was determining influence of special classes, which aimed at learning technique of forming geometric solid forms, on 3–4-year‑old children’s ability to create three-dimensional solutions. For the research goal defined as above, the basic research problem became the question about the role of the classes (reconstructive and creative) based on modeling of spatial forms in development of children’s ability to shape figures on topics that were familiar to them. Analysis of the research material allowed to verify the thesis that the classes, which were introduced just in the earliest pre-school groups and based on learning technique of forming basic solid figures, significantly influenced children’s abilities to shape spatial models of human figures that hadn’t been worked out before. Formulated conclusions allowed defining procedures with reference to actions that should be realized by teachers and aimed at preparing children for spatial operations with plastic material.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Piwowarska
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