The purpose of this study was to determine whether distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) can be used to distinguish among four groups with audiometrically normal-hearing sensitivity: (1) control adults withou...
Mucocele, though is a common lesion, rarely penetrates to the surrounding intra- and extracranial spaces. We describe the case of 45-year-old male with 2 years history of a chronic left nasal obstruction and a concentric...
The aim of this study was analysis of results of audiologic evaluation in the group of 191 children with hearing loss. Children were selected from the group of 8885 pupils of primary schools in Silesia by screening test...
Analysis was based on the results of successful and unsuccessful treatment of 137 patients with paranasal sinus cancer at the Oncology Centre in Warsaw between 1987–2002. Patients with clinical stages T3 and T4 constitut...
Sprawozdanie z XXI Sympozjum Międzynarodowej Grupy Badawczej Audiometrii Odpowiedzi Wywołanych (IERASG) w Rio de Janeiro, 8-11 czerwca 2009
Otoemisja produktów zniekształceń nieliniowych ślimaka oraz funkcja wejścia/wyjścia u prawidłowo słyszących pacjentów z szumem usznym i/lub nadwrażliwością słuchową
The purpose of this study was to determine whether distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) can be used to distinguish among four groups with audiometrically normal-hearing sensitivity: (1) control adults withou...
Mukocele zatoki klinowej penetrujące do oczodołu, przedniego i środkowego dołu czaszki oraz przestrzeni przygardłowej: opis przypadku
Mucocele, though is a common lesion, rarely penetrates to the surrounding intra- and extracranial spaces. We describe the case of 45-year-old male with 2 years history of a chronic left nasal obstruction and a concentric...
Wyniki badań przesiewowych słuchu u wybranej populacji dzieci szkół podstawowych na Śląsku
The aim of this study was analysis of results of audiologic evaluation in the group of 191 children with hearing loss. Children were selected from the group of 8885 pupils of primary schools in Silesia by screening test...
Results of treatment in patients with paranasal sinus carcinoma. Analysis of prognostic factors
Analysis was based on the results of successful and unsuccessful treatment of 137 patients with paranasal sinus cancer at the Oncology Centre in Warsaw between 1987–2002. Patients with clinical stages T3 and T4 constitut...