This article, the first of a two-part essay, presents an account of Aristotelian hylomorphic animalism that engages with recent work on neuroscience and philosophy of mind. I show that Aristotelian hylomorphic animalism...
Nauki kognitywne w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach znacząco wpłynęły na analizy powiązania umysłu i ciała na polu filozofii umysłu. Rozwiązania zagadnienia body-mind z kolei dotykają w sposób znaczący również teologii. W kla...
The question whether I am the same person at different moments has brought many difficulties for a long time. The problem with identity of things through time was already known in the ancient times especially when Plutar...
This paper surveys the main issues in Suárez’s theory of visual perception, which in its complexity and systematical ordering has not been explored yet. These questions, exposed in the first five questions of the seventh...
Models have been proposed assuming that God created the first human persons at the time when Homo sapiens already had a large population size; this hypothesis agrees with emerging data of evolutionary genetics. The pres...
Hylomorphic Animalism, Emergentism, and the Challenge of the New Mechanist Philosophy of Neuroscience
This article, the first of a two-part essay, presents an account of Aristotelian hylomorphic animalism that engages with recent work on neuroscience and philosophy of mind. I show that Aristotelian hylomorphic animalism...
Problem cielesności pamięci w perspektywie eschatologicznej
Nauki kognitywne w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach znacząco wpłynęły na analizy powiązania umysłu i ciała na polu filozofii umysłu. Rozwiązania zagadnienia body-mind z kolei dotykają w sposób znaczący również teologii. W kla...
Soul, mind – brain, body – what makes us the same?
The question whether I am the same person at different moments has brought many difficulties for a long time. The problem with identity of things through time was already known in the ancient times especially when Plutar...
Suárez on Visual Perception
This paper surveys the main issues in Suárez’s theory of visual perception, which in its complexity and systematical ordering has not been explored yet. These questions, exposed in the first five questions of the seventh...
“Transmission at generation”: Could original sin have happened at the time when Homo sapiens already had a large population size?
Models have been proposed assuming that God created the first human persons at the time when Homo sapiens already had a large population size; this hypothesis agrees with emerging data of evolutionary genetics. The pres...