Wybrane zagadnienia związane ze stosowaniem podejścia zadaniowego w nauczaniu języków obcych


Selected problems connected with applying the activity approach to foreign language teaching Abstract In the article, the main problems connected with applying the activity approach are discussed. Some of its principles are presented in the light of the European System of Language Education, the works of J. Janowska, P. Scheffler, A. Kabzińska and W. Miodunka. The author presents also the other method oriented on activity connected with the activity approach, i.e. the project method, in the light of works of M. Niemiec-Knaś and M. Kolber.

Authors and Affiliations

Halina Zając-Knapik


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  • EP ID EP302500
  • DOI 10.24917/16899911.10.15
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How To Cite

Halina Zając-Knapik (2017). Wybrane zagadnienia związane ze stosowaniem podejścia zadaniowego w nauczaniu języków obcych. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Russologica, 10(), 154-164. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-302500