Wykorzystanie metody R&R do oceny przydatności systemu pomiarowego planografu 3 i 4m podczas badania równości nawierzchni lotniskowych
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2017, Vol 214, Issue 12
One of the basic parameters characterizing each airfield pavement is the evenness. Condition evenness decides not only about the comfort while on the airport surface but also effects safety of airport operations. Therefore correct performance testing is very important and required factor. If obtained data from testing is not carried out correctly, the consequence could effect the safety safety of performing aircraft operations. Foreign and domestic documents have maximum allowed amplitude of airport surface equality. The documents also define requirements around checking devices and acceptable deviation from established values. Research presented in article of repeatability and reproducibility used in R&R method, are there to check suitability for measuring system planograf 3 and 4 m, and find out which measuring device is best to use in testing evenness airfield pavement.
Authors and Affiliations
Paweł Pietruszewski, Adam Poświata, Mariusz Wesołowski
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