Wyniesieni na... „ubeliski”. Refl eksje nad miejscami pamięci „utrwalaczy władzy ludowej”
Journal Title: Zeszyty Etnologii Wrocławskiej - Year 2016, Vol 24, Issue 1
Praised to... obelisks. Refl ections on lieux de mémoire of stalwarts of „communist authorities” The paper focuses on the problem of decolonisation and colonisation of the public memory in contemporary Poland. The author is trying to answer the question – what to do with the memorials of the communist, political police functionaries, set up before 1989. The communist regime has written them off as heroes and victims of civil war after the Second World War. In fact, many of these monuments were dedicated to people who died in accidents – in car crashes, shot by their colleagues, or taking their own lives.
Authors and Affiliations
Robert Klementowski
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Wyniesieni na... „ubeliski”. Refl eksje nad miejscami pamięci „utrwalaczy władzy ludowej”
Praised to... obelisks. Refl ections on lieux de mémoire of stalwarts of „communist authorities” The paper focuses on the problem of decolonisation and colonisation of the public memory in contemporary Poland. The auth...
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