From an “awkward relationship” toward a “community of critics”? Anthropology and gender/queer studies in contemporary Poland
In the paper I investigate a complicated relationship between anthropology and gender/queer st...
Cultural Anthropology and Anthropological Sleep.“Untimeliness” of Paul Rabinow as a Symptomatic Case
Michel Foucault announced a change of paradigm in humanities in “The Order of Things”, stating the forthcoming end of...
Anthrophagus and fans of strangers. Literary images of anthropology
I suggest that anthropologists have ignored popular literary images of themselves. It is surprising because our discipline is most popularized in fi ct...
Praised to... obelisks. Refl ections on lieux de mémoire of stalwarts of „communist authorities”
The paper focuses on the problem of decolonisation and colonisation of the
public memory in contemporary Poland. The auth...
Symbols which give rise to thought... An Autobiographical refl ection on Zbigniew Benedyktowicz’s anthropology of culture
The article presents some remarks on a very Polish project of Zbigniew Benedyktowicz’ s anthropol...
EP ID EP181487
Views 54
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How To Cite
Michał Mokrzan (2015). Zaproszenie do dyskusji nad współczesnymi nurtami
teoretycznymi antropologii. Zeszyty Etnologii Wrocławskiej, 22(1),
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Od „kłopotliwych związków” do „wspólnoty krytyków”? Antropologia i studia genderowe/queerowe we współczesnej Polsce
From an “awkward relationship” toward a “community of critics”? Anthropology and gender/queer studies in contemporary Poland In the paper I investigate a complicated relationship between anthropology and gender/queer st...
Antropologia kulturowa wobec antropologicznego snu. „Niewczesność” Paula Rabinowa jako przypadek symptomatyczny
Cultural Anthropology and Anthropological Sleep.“Untimeliness” of Paul Rabinow as a Symptomatic Case Michel Foucault announced a change of paradigm in humanities in “The Order of Things”, stating the forthcoming end of...
Antropofadzy i miłośnicy obcych. Literackie wizerunki antropologii
Anthrophagus and fans of strangers. Literary images of anthropology I suggest that anthropologists have ignored popular literary images of themselves. It is surprising because our discipline is most popularized in fi ct...
Wyniesieni na... „ubeliski”. Refl eksje nad miejscami pamięci „utrwalaczy władzy ludowej”
Praised to... obelisks. Refl ections on lieux de mémoire of stalwarts of „communist authorities” The paper focuses on the problem of decolonisation and colonisation of the public memory in contemporary Poland. The auth...
Symbole, które dają do myślenia... Autobiografi czna refl eksja na temat antropologii kultury Zbigniewa Benedyktowicza
Symbols which give rise to thought... An Autobiographical refl ection on Zbigniew Benedyktowicz’s anthropology of culture The article presents some remarks on a very Polish project of Zbigniew Benedyktowicz’ s anthropol...