Zarys osadnictwa kultury pucharów lejkowatych w Kotlinie Sandomierskiej na przykładzie stanowisk w Woli Chorzelowskiej, stan. 3 oraz w Grzęsce, stan. 26, woj. podkarpackie
Journal Title: Rocznik Kolbuszowski - Year 2018, Vol 18, Issue 18
This article provides the next step in research on settlement of Funnel Beaker culture in the Sandomierz Valley. Presented here the analysis refers to the two sites of the Funnel Beaker culture. The Site in Wola Chorzelowska is located on the Vistula Lowland. The second one, in Grzęska is located at the Carpathian Glacial Valley. Conducted excavations indicated that these are relatively small settlements. Their character are part of a broader trend of settlement of the Funnel Beaker culture population in the like lowland area.
Authors and Affiliations
Renata Zych
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