Zmiany składu gatunkowego łąki górskiej i cech funkcjonalnych roślin spowodowane różnymi sposobami ekstensywnego użytkowania i nawożenia
Journal Title: Łąkarstwo w Polsce - Year 2015, Vol 18, Issue
Preservation of the species diversity of mountain grassland is associated with the appropriate management, above all, regular mowing or grazing. Fertilization of such plants communities affects not only the yield but also the occurrence of particular species. The paper attempts to compare the effects of different ways of extensive management of mountain meadow on the species composition and diversity of functional traits of species present.The experiment was established in 2000 by the random blocks method in Krynica - Czarny Potok (Polish Carpathians, 720 m a.s.l). Ten treatments were used: 1 – without management; 2 – early cut, without fertilization; 3 – late cut, without fertilization; 4 – mowing twice, without fertilization; 5 – self sodding, oats cultivation, late cut, without fertilization; 6 – late cut, compost as fertilizer; 7 – late cut, PK mineral fertilizers; 8 – late cut, every two years, without fertilization; 9 – late cut, NPK mineral fertilizers; 10 – late cut, manure fertilization. The evaluation of botanical composition was made in 2007 by Braun-Blanquet method. The classification of vegetation was made by a modified program TWINSPAN (Roleček et al., 2009). Functional characteristics of plant species were obtained from the base BIOLFLOR (Klotz et al., 2002).After even years of experiment vegetation on the plots were classified into three plant communities. Community with Holcus mollis included all uncut or cut every second year plots. The community is characterized by a low number of species. There is also low number of typical meadow species, particularly from Fabaceae family. To the community with Festuca pratensis nine plots were included, all fertilized with manure and two fertilized with compost. This wass a multi-species community with typical species of hay meadows such as timothy and orchard grass. The fifteen plots were classified into community with Festuca rubra. It resembles little lush mountain meadow, with a share of species typical for mat-grass grasslands: pill sedge, woodruhes, common tormentil. Analysis of functional characteristics revealed the basic differentiation between plots uncut, or harvested every second year, and cut every year. Abandonment leads to the withdrawal of species resistant to mowing. These are usually small species with low competitive strength. The impact of mowing is especially clearly visible on the occurrence of species with different life forms. In the case of mowing (communities with F. pratensis and F. rubra) hemicryptophytes dominate. The plots with less disturbances community with H. mollis) showed a significant share of geophytes. These species reproduce vegetatively, it allows them to spread despite the layers of plant litter and overgrowth this layer thanks to nutrients accumulated in the underground parts.Regular mowing was the main factor differentiating the species composition. Also in terms of functional traits the greatest differences occurred between the cut and uncut plots.
Authors and Affiliations
Jan Zarzycki, Andrzej Misztal
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