Zbiorowiska kserotermiczne rezerwatu florystycznego ,,WinnZbiorowiska kserotermiczne rezerwatu florystycznego,,Winnica” – stan, zagrożenia i ochronaica” – stan, zagrożenia i ochrona

Journal Title: Łąkarstwo w Polsce - Year 2015, Vol 18, Issue


The flora nature reserve “Winnica” was created in 1995 and it is one of two reserves in central Poland that protect semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates. The “Winnica” reserve covers the area 1.54 ha. It is situated near Wielka Wieś B (Łódź voivodeship, Widawa community), in the Landscape Park Warta and Widawka. The aim of the study was analyzing the floristic composition of the reserve, identify threats and the best ways of protecting this area. 30 relevés were recorded according to the Braun-Blanquet method. Based on these relevés fife plant communities were distinguished: Adonido-Brachypodietum pinnati, Pruno-Ligustretum, Violo odoratae-Ulmetum minoris, Trifolio-Agrimonietum and Calamagrostietum epigeji. 139 vascular plant species were recorded. Among them there were five protected species: three under strict (Campanula sibirica, Campanula bononiensis, Aster amellus) and two under partial (Aquilegia vulgaris, Orobanche sp.) protection. The highest Shanon-Wiener’s index of species diversity was in the community of Adonido-Brachypodietum pinnati.The main natural hreat of rare and protected species are three species of expansive nature: Prunus spinosa, Cornus sanguinea and Ulmus minor. At present (since the end 1990s) active conservation is applied which consists in mowing the calcareous grasslands. Mowing is limited the development of shrubs but that treatment can be conducive to the spread of expansive grasses: Calamagrostis epigejos, Arrhenatherum elatius, Brachypodium pinnatum. Abandonment of traditional methods of land use as pasturing is the main reason for reduction in floristic diversity. In order to maintain the valuable xerothermic species it is necessary to complete active protection with sheep grazing.

Authors and Affiliations

Maria Janicka, M. A. Janicka


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Maria Janicka, M. A. Janicka (2015). Zbiorowiska kserotermiczne rezerwatu florystycznego ,,WinnZbiorowiska kserotermiczne rezerwatu florystycznego,,Winnica” – stan, zagrożenia i ochronaica” – stan, zagrożenia i ochrona. Łąkarstwo w Polsce, 18(), 113-127. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-327354